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Features of a good carpal strap

Features of a good carpal strap

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) can start as a slight pain in your hand or a tingle that runs down to your fingers, but over time the symptoms can worsen into persistent pain or numbness. CTS can make everyday activities like typing at your computer challenging if left untreated. Besides seeing a doctor or physical therapist, a wrist brace is an affordable treatment option you can try at home to reduce your symptoms.hand wrist brace4

“Wrist braces hold the wrist in a neutral position to reduce pressure on the median nerve and reduce symptoms of CTS,” says Brian Hardy, MD. Most wrist braces include plastic or metal splints that help hold your wrist in place and prevent any accidental twisting or bending.

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A carpal tunnel brace should be tight enough to be secure but not so tight that it’s uncomfortable. It may be too tight if the area becomes numb, tingly, or hard to move. The most appropriate brace is one that has a solid piece that sits along the palmar surface of the wrist and hand.

Post time: May-13-2022