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Using a Back Brace for Lower Back Pain Relief

Using a Back Brace for Lower Back Pain Relief

A lower back brace can be an effective element of a comprehensive treatment plan for certain spinal conditions, and can provide support for the spine as it heals following back surgery.DSC_21337Goals and Mechanisms of Back Bracing for Pain Relief

A back-bracing prescription usually has a few complementary goals:

Reduce muscle tension and low back pain

Improve posture to redistribute weight in the spine
Provide a healthy healing environment for spinal structures
Increase function during daily activity19

The above goals are achieved by the basic mechanisms of the back brace during use. Mechanisms of pain relief vary somewhat by brace design, but in general a brace is able to:

Provide additional spinal support. A back brace can add stability when the low back is unstable due to injured or weakened spinal structures. By holding the torso in a safe, supportive posture, a back brace can help provide a healthy healing environment for the current injury and prevent additional injuries.
Reduce pressure on the spinal structures. A back brace can help unload some of the weight normally placed on the lower back, in the process reducing pressure on the spine’s joints, discs, and muscles. By reducing spinal pressure, a back brace may lessen painful muscle tension that is a common protective reaction following an injury.
Reduce range of motion during healing. A back brace is used to prevent or restrict painful movements, such as twisting the spine or bending forward, backward, or to the side. Limiting painful movements and postures can also help improve awareness of the body’s positioning (proprioception), which allows the wearer to consciously adjust posture for improved back health.
Reduce micro-motion between vertebral segments. Braces also limit excess micro-movements at a particular spinal segment or vertebral fracture, thereby limiting pain from muscle tension and irritated joints or nerve roots.
Adding a back brace to a treatment regimen has been shown in some studies to improve mobility and pain scores better than only physical therapy and pain medication.

Post time: May-14-2022