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What’s the function of triangle bandage?

What’s the function of triangle bandage?


Triangle bandages seem to appear frequently in our lives, but don’t underestimate the triangles. Its role in the medical profession should not be underestimated. Triangular bandage is mainly used to protect wounds and fix injured limbs. If necessary, it should be carried out with bandages and dressings. It has a wide range of applications, including the head, shoulders, chest and back, upper and lower limbs, hands and feet, and even the pelvis. Triangular bandages can be used for wound dressing.


1 Triangular bangdage can’t shed hair or swarf

If there is a trauma, and we have nothing else at hand, we can use something instead of triangle bandages and bandages. For example, use our cotton cloth. Towels and towels must not shed hair or dander. It is best to use cotton cloth, bed sheets, scarves. These are all available. At this time, pay attention to it if it is to touch the wound. Try to maintain her cleanliness and cleanliness, and not allow her wound to be contaminated again.


2.  The strength of the bandaging must be distinct

Triangular bandages are mainly used to help stop bleeding. To help stop bleeding, there must be a pressure. When making large hand hangings and small hand hangings, that is, some suspensions of our upper limbs, there will be some requirements for strength, and then the requirements for comfort will also affect our wounds. The role of fixation and support. The knotted area must be protected with pads, which will protect the local area from crushing. If the head trauma is to be bandaged with a triangular bandage, there must be a pressure equalization.


3.  Clearly distinguish between large and small hand hangings

It is easy to confuse the big hand hanger and the small hand hanger. The big hand hanger is used for our forearms. Some traumas of our upper arms can be protected and hanged by the big hand hanger. Then the small hand hanger can be used for temporary fixation of our clavicle fractures, shoulder joint dislocation, and some traumas of the hand. At these times, the small hand hanger should be used.



Post time: Jun-03-2021